Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Half-way There!

I'm officially halfway towards my fundraising goals: 2,000$!  Thank you to all of my donors. I'll be hosting a fundraiser at Overlook NYC on Friday September 28th...email me if you are in the NY area and interested in attending! There's just about 6 weeks left for donations, and 8 weeks left until race-day...

My furthest run so far has been 20 miles.  It's been quite a challenge juggling marathon training, making friends in the new city and dealing with a new full-time position. Something I've been seeing more and more often along the East River here in NYC are "Kangoo Shoes":

As you could probably guess, people look absolutely ridiculous running around in these.  They supposedly help diminish joint wear and tear, and reduce risk of injury for runners with shin problems.  Next time I see someone wearing these things, I'm going to stop and interview them!

I've also been running with GU, which I am obsessed with. Last year I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while training and during my run, which my family thankfully held onto for me.  During the NYC Marathon, though, I don't think I will be able to count on having friends and family at various points throughout the race due to the congestion of the city.  I've been duct taping GU to my water bottle while I run, so that's probably what I'll have to do for race day.  Espresso Love is definitely the best flavor.

1 comment:

  1. Strawberry banana's the best!!! I can't do the ones with Caff so I still with Strawberry Banana -- it's like one of the only gf ones!!!

    Can't wait to see you run! Ron and I are really going to try and get down and we won't know where we'll be but hopefully we can hand you a gu!! 20 miles already... you're doing great! Miss running with you!! <3 <3
